Privacy Policy

If you visit our app and use any of our services, it would mean that you agree that your personal information would be managed as delineated in this Privacy Policy section. Any dispute over privacy or use of our Services is subject to our Privacy Policy.

Our information is on education and is for all age group child

Here are the major highlights of our privacy policy –

1. Information Collected

Each and every information (including personal info) is collected either directly from you or through third parties. Often, it could also be collected automatically through your use of our services.

  • Information like your name, country of residence, username, email address are generally collected directly from you.
  • Information collected by third parties may include information from a system that coalesce with our system and shares the data via our API.
  • Information is collected automatically through cookies and other technologies. It generally includes your IP address, system configurations, domain name, web log data etc.

2. How Your Information Is Used

Your information may be used for multiple reasons, as mentioned below:

  • For communicating or providing services to you
  • For providing info about special offers, newsletters, products etc that may interest you
  • For research and analytical purposes; to understand how our services are used by the users
  • For safeguarding our rights and interests along with that of the customers or users
  • To comply with legal obligations

3. How Your Information Is Revealed

Your information can be revealed to other party in the following situations:

  • Business merger or acquisition
  • Compliance with the law, court order, judicial proceeding etc.
  • For research and analytical purposes; to understand how our services are used by the users
  • When it is necessary to take action against frauds, illegal activities and conditions that violate our Privacy Policy or Terms and Conditions
  • Reveal De-Identified or aggregate information, only where it is permitted by law.

4. Information Security

We make sure that your personal information is not lost, misused or gets an unauthorised access. But, despite our efforts, users must know that 100% security cannot be guaranteed by any data security measures.